Not bad, right? It's an abstract phoenix. No HP references, please? It has nothing to do with that. Please, look up the symbolism behind a phoenix if you don't already know it. Anyhow, I have more of while it was being done. Those are gonna go up at facebook. I figured two was enough for those of you who care. *shrug* Better pics when it is fully healed.
Speaking of healed - I apparently have issues. Not something tattoo related, but maybe something kidney related. Mara said kidney stones, Sean (the doctor-brother) says possible kidney infection. I say neither. Doctor-brother says "go to the doctor. get lab work. and imaging." But he also says, "lose weight better. ps, how's the birth control i sent you?" That's Sean for you. *shrug* The conversation, via AIM, was actually one of our better ones. Weird.
That conversation was much better than the one Papa and I will be having at 8am, while grocery shopping at farmers market. I get to be nagged to death about money by the father tomorrow morning. It will not be fun. The only things saving it? A) Free food from the trip, B)Public venue insures no yelling, and C) at such an early hour, I will probably be asleep through the first half. I'll deal, I'm sure. When it comes to my Papa Bear it is much easier to get it done with than putting it off.
I have to write thank-you notes tomorrow, for all the gifts/checks from the wedding reception. And I have to call the photographer and set up a day to put together our wedding album (It's gonna be super sweet, like a coffee table book. No silly scrapbook or traditional one picture a page for us).
I feel like this is super random. In truth, it kind of is. But, hey, I'm random.
Nothing else interesting. I did nothing today. Visited my mom at work. Mara came over and we watched S3 of Gilmore Girls - the first 10 episodes. Hm. That's it. *shrug*
Gotta clean the tattoo - it's itching. And finish my lyric list - for the mirror (I'm about half way there) - and my book list (list of books I wanna read. It's long. I started because of GG and all of Rory's reading. Seriously. you wanna be adventurous and well-read, check out
Rory's Book Club. It has these amazing lists of not only books mentioned in episodes, but books on the WB website, 1001 books to read before you die. It's great.) That was way to long to be in a parentheses, dontcha think?
hm. Right. Tattoo. And sleep. 8am day. Buh.