
Jul 25, 2005 11:39

Sos I'm making a bunch of new friends from the friending meme. I loves me some new friends. HI NEW FRIENDS! I'd give the link but I'm retarded and I lost it. I just know that it's in reprieved's journal.

And omg I made icons. I only posted them in josschallenge though so if you wanna see they're over there. Firefly ones. There's only 18. Technically only 9 since the other 9 are just the same icons but textless.

And last night I couldn't go to sleep so I made a list for my Wonderfalls icons of what I could do for each letter. It took like an hour and a half. Sad. I couldn't think of something for X though so I put excorcism. Lets pretend it starts with an X.

And yay I got accepted at areweoncomms (elite Alias challenge run by the queen of elite challenges misstress_tink and frostthepie)

Oh I forgot to say how I changed my userinfo. I like it this way. Yuppers.

detoxcocktails is doing this thing where you list the 10 hottest hollywood men you can think of here. It's extremely challenging.

BAH I HATE MY COMPUTER! Almost every time I go to check my mail this box pops up that says an AOL error has ocurred and tells you to press OK. Then it keeps popping up for like an hour and it won't let me close AOL even though it says if this problem repeats close AOL. So stupid.

I'm reading Satellite Down by Rob Thomas and I don't like it that much. I'm only at the beginning but yeah it hasn't really interested me yet. Hopefully it'll get better. Actually I'm pretty sure the only book I've ever liked from the very beginning was Harry Potter. And the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

My mommeh is watching Firefly. Of her own free will. lol. She's watching Safe. I can't believe she likes this show. She hates everything I like usually.

computer hating, icons, books, new friends, mom, random

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