Thanks everyone about the kind words for my grandma! It was really nice. :)
So I started season 3. I'm mad at Vaughn but he's still the hottest man alive. What did he wait like 5 months after he thought Syd died to get married? So wrong. And Lauren is freaking annoying. Maybe I'll like her when she starts humping Sark. I only just finished episode 2. Who knows where to download Season 3 caps?
My lip is cut open somehow. And I didn't realize but then I ate a pickle and it burned the hell out of my lip. Still burning. Ouchies. I don't know how I did it.
I'm about to beat somebody up. Go enter
Marshmallow Blends. I'm going to have to extend it again. AHHHHH PLEASE!!
Also pimping
elite_three because it is just a cool idea. It's an elite challenge for the Jossverse.
I can never find tutorials for PSP. Who knows of some good ones?
I went font shopping today. Every like 2 months I get the urge to go over to DaFont and download everything possible. And then pretty much use only 1 font out of the 30 I download. What a fun waste of time.
I've been spamming like crazy the past few days. Why aren't you guys telling me to stfu alrady.