(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 17:42

I effing love 28 Days Later. That movie kicked ass. I need to buy it now. And I watch In Good Company too and it wasn't really that good but it was ok. Topher Grace was hot though. I didn't like the ending.

I made a Mal/Inara header today for aesthetic_notes and I really love how it came out. And then I made a Logan/Veronica header for qtmjbcs and I love that one too. I'm on a role. lol.

I am so bored now. There's nothing to do and LJ is dead today.

My mom made me go to the doctors with her. It was very long and boring sitting in the waiting room. And ugh there was this lady who had FIVE annoying little kids and she even had one on the way...I think. They were running around and jumping on the chairs.

For my birthday my mom is taking me to Walmart. lmao. That's what I wanted to do. She said I can get as many movies as I want as long as I don't go over $120 or something like that. She wanted to take me to a resteraunt but nah. That's such a waste of money. lol like buying a million movies isn't. I bet she'll change her mind and only let me get like 2 movies when the day comes. She's always doing that. Turning 16 rocks. Last birthday I only got one thing from my mom but she's all like it's special this time!! So yay. I wanna be 16 every year.

I need a Firefly mood theme. I think I'll go off to find one now. But I think I just want a Kaylee one. or a Mal/Inara one.

I still can't believe how hot I think Mal is on Firefly but on Buffy he is the creepiest mothereffer in the history of ever. Seriously. How is he so creepy?

doctors, movies, firefly, birthday

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