I posted an excerpt of Normal as part of a thread on Fangs, Fur & Fey. A direct link is
here. I also jumped into Miss Snark's First Victim's latest contest regarding query letters and the first 250 words of the novel. The judge reads slush for an agency I planned on querying. I had my submission all ready last night and woke up at the appalling time of 5:45 in the morning so I could send in my submission promptly at 6AM. It's a good thing I did, too. There were 50 slots available, and they were all filled within three minutes. I'm already bracing myself for the critiques on Wednesday.
One of my very short stories was accepted for publication over the weekend. "The Mother and the Moon" will be published in Apollo's Lyre on August 20th. That makes two new markets I'll break into in August.
I wrote a new story today, a 1,700-word fairy tale titled "The Stone Shepherdess." Hubby has informed me that it's good, though he says my attempt at fairy tale-type wording is stilted. More editing awaits!