A year ago, I had my story "An Echo in the Shell" published in issue 1 of
Waylines Magazine. Soon after that, I joined the magazine as a fiction slush reader. Now I am taking another big step. When Waylines opens for submissions in February, after their Kickstarter campaign, they will accept poetry. I am the poetry editor.
Yeah. Me, as an editor. Me, doing the rejecting for a change. Weird.
You'll be hearing a lot more about Waylines in the future as I talk about these things from a new perspective. If anyone has any questions, you can always drop a comment on my blog, or email, tweet, Facebook message, whatever. I try to be pretty open and friendly. It takes a lot to provoke me to bite. Usually.
I also had a story published today. My flash fic
"Cold Beyond White" is in issue #13 of Stupefying Stories Showcase. This was something of an experimental story for me as I rarely write in present tense. Also, SNOWMAN GOLEMS. 'Nough said.