Forthcoming publications in October

Sep 28, 2012 06:00

Since I am not currently working on any novels, that's given me a surprising amount of free time. As in, time for me to go crazy because I don't feel like I have enough to do. I've had to resort to... cleaning.

However, it's also meant that I've been writing a lot more short stories. In August, I sent out five, with one already accepted. In September, I have written four; one has already been accepted, one has been sent in to a contest, one sent out, and the other is currently being critiqued. I hope to have that ready to go by the end of the month.


Some of my acceptances from earlier in the year are seeing the light of publication in October. Here's the list:

- "Vulgarity of Flowers" in Plasma Frequency
- "Overlap" in the book Cucurbital 3
- "Numbers Game" (nonfiction) in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hooked on Hockey
- "Lessons from my Grandparents" (nonfiction reprint in paperback) in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas
- "Pigeons in Heaven" at Every Day Fiction

I'll be posting more about these stories, along with direct links, as they are released.

Man. I've had a lot of rejections in the past month and a half. It's a relief to see other stories finally reach publication--it reminds me that it will all be worthwhile in the end.

short fiction, publication, chicken soup

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