Where to Find Me: Phoenix Comicon & Cascade Writers

May 25, 2012 13:37

Contrary to popular belief, I do leave the house on occasion, and not just to hit grocery sales with a stack of coupons in my fist.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I'll be attending Phoenix Comicon. I'm not on panels or anything. I'm there, a fan in the mob. I will be wearing a pink shirt with a slime on it, and switching between a slime hat and a Jayne hat depending on my mood. I'll be favoring the writing panels, but I might try and catch some steampunk stuff, too. Or the William Shatner talk. Dangit, they have too much good stuff going on at once.

Then there's the other big scary thing I've signed up for: my first writing workshop.

I will be attending the Cascade Writers Workshop in Vancouver, Washington the last weekend of July. I'm excited and scared petrified. Honestly, the travel to and from is what has me the most anxious. I haven't flown at all in ten years, and only by myself once. But, I've made a commitment to this writing thing, and I need to challenge myself. So...! I'm challenging myself.

I'll be over here, hyperventilating into a paper bag for the next two months.

In all seriousness, the workshop only has a seat or two left. Take a look. It'd be nice to know more folks there.

on being a writer, cascade writers, comicon

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