Today's Arizona Republic had an article on a new book about/from Ray Bradbury called
Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews. Yes, Bradbury is still going strong at 89. The very end of the article featured a quote from the book:
"My life has been a fight against death. I finish a story, go to the mailbox, drop it in and say, 'Okay, Death, I'm ahead of you.'"
-- Ray Bradbury, as interviewed by Sam Weller
Man. I feel like that sometimes and I'm nowhere near his age. Seize every day, write, submit, and keep going. You never know when the end will come.
I had a happy email this morning. My Writo de Mayo story, "A Recipe for Rain and Rainbows," has made it through the first elimination round for a short story anthology. The bad news is that the editor must cull over half of the remaining lot, so I might not make it in. I should know in the next few weeks.
I wrote about a thousand words on a Chicken Soup essay today. It must be good since it made my mother cry.
My story "Bless This House" is a finalist in the Crossed Genres Flash Fiction Contest.
Please register (it's free and fast!), read, and vote for your favorite. Contest ends June 30th.