Error Apparent

Feb 04, 2010 17:53

I have a love of typos. I admit it. I even collect errors from newspapers and magazines (and wow, I need to find time to update that page). I came across one in Normal yesterday that sent me into a fit of giggles: bear hands. Apparently, my heroine has a bit of a hair issue, and that's why she wears gloves. Who knew?

It brings to mind the writers' conference two years ago. I sat at a table with several established authors. One of them writes romance, and she spoke of an absolutely awful typo she made in a short story submission, and she didn't catch the error before sending it off to the editor. Instead of "thigh," she typed "thing." It therefore changed a sentence to, "She laid a hand on his thing."

After we all quieted our hysterical laughter, she added, "And in that same story, I made that typo twice!"

It's comforting to know that the pros still make errors like that.

Anyone else have favorite errors to share?


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