Aug 09, 2010 11:28
It never fails. Everytime we go on a family trip to any where, and we stop at dairy queen, something horrible happens. Last year we were stranded there for about five hours. And I bet you anything the employees tried to sweat us out, because for an ice cream store it was freaking hot!
And, well, this year, we went and not hours later, my dad starts having stomach problems, and it got so bad that we had to take him to the hospital. Turns out he has too many white blood cells or something and now he might get cancer. You can't imagine how much this scares me. I can't imagine a world without my dad, and this shit happens? This is a whole lot of wrong. And he's worried about ruining our trip. Fuck the trip. I want my father to get better.
And to add to the cherry of our wonderful evening, last night I got horrendously sick. First I jolted awake because of stomach pains, and then I ran to our little bathroom in our camper and tried to shit the pain out and nothing came. I went back into bed and put a pillow on my stomach and my pain only got worse, and i couldn't hold it in and I started whimpering which woke up my dad's friend Chris who was taking care of us while my parents were at the hospital. He got a bowl and I just about puked my brains out, but the pain still wouldn't go away. I just lied on my bed because my body still refused to go to the bathroom, and then finally sometime at two o'clock in the morning I jolted to the bathroom and was finally able to relieve myself. I still feel like crap, but not as bad. And we're supposed to be at Yellowstone already, but we're stuck here at this campground (In the middle of the city I may add) until my dad can finally be discharged from the hospital.
So far, this vacation is going to the pits. Thanks a lot Dairy Queen.
sick dariy queen yellowstone