Mar 21, 2009 17:47
I like this game. It makes me feel like a crazy alchemist. For the upcoming Project About Which You Shall Hear More Later, I am dyeing a somewhat horrible baby-duck color yarn (a nice color for a duckie, but not for anything adult). My current dyestuffs include "Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade" Kool-Aid, a little vinegar and the remainder of some jasmine green tea from last night, which was sitting on the stove and seemed like a good idea...I mean, you want green yarn, you use green tea, right? I will, with luck, have some finished pictures later tonight. Maybe I'll photograph my new planter, which Maria and I snitched off the side of the road in the dead of night under cover of a light drizzly fog.
My life is fun. I like spring. Something, possibly a popcorn, sprouted in my spare teapot, and has a shoot headed purposefully towards the spout. This is not just a metaphor.