Semi Blind Bowling

Jan 13, 2010 21:48

League blew tonight for two reasons. #1 My aunt and uncle quit the team because we're the only ones that haven't substituted REALLY good bowlers to up our points and win more games. Apparently my uncle pitched a fit after I left last week and made up his mind that he just wasn't gonna do it anymore. :( Luckily enough, James (my cuz) knew some friends that didn't mind joining so he and I wouldn't have to drop out completely, and now our handicap is MASSIVE! We suck... but we try! #2 I was on my way to my parents house to grab some Tylenol (my fingers swell whenever I bowl and Tylenol helps keep the pain down) and my contact ripped in my eye! IN HALF! By this time it was already too late to turn around and get another one or my glasses from my house, so I said f it, I'm gonna bowl semi-blind. Oh, the difference it makes! And I know have a RAGING headache, so I'll probably keep this one short. I'm skipping my exercise time too to do this meme!

Tagged by bradeatspeeps:

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I don't wear orange because it makes me think of Auburn and Tennessee.
2. I never wash my face before I go to sleep. Even if I have makeup on. That's a bad habit I'd like to break.
3. I can never be friends with ex-boyfriends. I've genuinely tried, and it ends horribly every time.
4. My roommate's clutter makes me ANGRY. Whenever I see it, I have to fix it. (MY clutter is ok, of course lol) And oddly enough, I am HAPPY when I productively clean up his mess.
5. I have severe road rage.
6. Whenever I go to Florida on vacation, I have to buy a shirt from a restaurant where I eat. At least one, like from Fudpuckers or Pineapple Willys, those are some examples. It makes the trip complete!
7. I hate to sweat. Really. It makes me an obsessive showerer. I relate sweat to stink, therefore I go through a lot of scented lotions and sprays. My roomie says that's also something I'm taking too far. We have five Air Wicks throughout the house because it HAS to smell fresh up in here, no matter what!

I tag: vilanya, centraltime, omegajaden, henchxnarf, silverlaughter, vickerflicker, and _coccy_.

Those aren't OMG amazing! but I think they're facts you wouldn't normally know about me. It's kinda sad that most of them are about what pisses me off, sorry. Couldn't think of much off the top of my head, since it's KILLING ME!

I's about to crawl in the bed and attempt to watch Carriers. From the previews, it looks like a 28 Days Later/Cabin Fever/Zombieland minus the laughs, with Chris Pine! It didn't even get into theaters. Sometimes these shitty movies are good. I'm gonna give it a chance. If anyone has seen Daybreakers, let me know how it was. Crystal and I are gonna see it Friday!

meme, league, carriers, facts about me, bowling

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