I work a 50 hour week this week... between 4 jobs, only two of which I get paid for. >< 27 hours at Sonic, 17 at Applebee's. Then there's animal care at the VTL and babysitting for family (I don't charge unless it's difficult or hours that I have to work around).
I get 5 hours of sleep a night. tomorrow afternoon I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, only to lock myself in my room and cram for the following 14 hours before my final.
I need a massage. I need my thumb fixed. Ever try doing a written final when you can't use your dominant hand? Yeah... at least I can write fairly legibly with my left... albeit very VERY slowly.
I have an appointment to get that looked at next Tuesday morning before work. I hope he tells me I can't work. Kinda... although I need the money, seeing as how I lose my roommate in a week. Found a few potential roommies: a couple, and an old friend. We'll see, at least I'm keeping the utilities down (Electric $39 this last month! :D ).
But work sucks right now, people are not very nice to me at Applebee's. Well, the customers are (seeing as how I tell most of them who ask about it that I hurt it playing football), but I had to ask 6 co-workers to cut my steak for me... one girl even laughed at me and told me that I couldn't eat my meal, so why did I order it? I replied by telling her that I would eat it barbaric style, unless she'd like to be nice and cut it. She laughed, scornfully said no, and walked off. Bitch.
Well, my 25 min between jobs is up, I run from 7:15 AM until about 1 AM every day... before I can take care of my cats, house (fucking messy roommate), and go to sleep.
I miss my bed. and I miss my boyfriend. It may have been our 6 month anniversary on Friday, but we haven't figured out when our official start was. Lol. It just kind of evolved. 25 days until my birthday, 26 days 'til the day he and I met. We're revisiting and redoing that day, starting with a climb up Camelback. :)
Have a wonderful day everyone and remember! 15 days until Christmas, if you celebrate.