Jan 02, 2011 00:53
Today was the first day of the new year. It wasn't much different than the old year. I have new resolutions for the year. Hopefully I can keep them.
1) Work out 3 days a week. At least 2 in the pool and one more. Hopefully dance class. But if I can I would like to spend at least 15 minutes on my Wii Fit everyday.
2) Read a book every 2 weeks. I need to read more the whole TV thing is rotting my brain. But books will bring back what I need.
3) Have my festival costumes done by June. Seriously, I don't know why every year I wait till July to start. My plan is to spend every other weekend on it. Also on making the wings I want to sell, I need those ready early anyways.
4) Stick to my very strick budget, I want a house, I want kids, I better learn to live and save money for them. Dan will have to adjust slightly too, but in all honesty I am ready to have my own place and be a mommy, the animals I have just aren't going to make adquate subsitutes for my lack of children to call my own. I love them and I still want them and want to play with them, but I want my kids.
That is it. Hopefully the 1st goal will get to my weight loss goal, I know most people aren't happy about it, but I want to get back to swimming weight, which is yes 40lbs less of me, I want to try get at least halfway there as it would make me happy.
Otherwise the party last night was fun, I got to cuddle with my niece and nephew, we played Wii, and in general ate yummy food.
This week I am going to pick up a baby red eye tree frog, I am looking into getting a swim pass, and working on Dan's party. Oh and fighting my parking ticket. Worst that happens is I pay the fine, hoping that I just had to use the last of my credit time, but I can always get more.
Right now I think I am going to play on my Wii then cuddle with my pillows.