A very special Sagittarian

Dec 01, 2002 23:46

Zelda Martial
A very special Sagittarian

Zelda Martial is a great intellectual. She is also a great adventurer, a great party animal, a great judge of character, a great conversationalist, a great comedian, a great philosopher and a great self publicist. Indeed, Zelda Martial is rather of the opinion that if anything in this world is 'great' it must have her name on it and if it isn't, maybe she will try it anyway and make it great by the simple act of lending her name to it. Zelda is a Sagittarian and there are two things that no Sagittarian can resist. The first is a challenge. The second is a tendency to exaggerate. Therefore whatever Zelda Martial sets out to accomplish in this world must be: a) difficult and b) big. Why set out to climb a piffling little hill like Everest when there are mountains on Mars that are truly steep? All you need is a rope, a pick and a spaceship. In Zelda 's mind, this (or something not far from it) represents a perfectly logical thought process. Who cares whether she actually manages to get to Mars? She will have fun trying and at least, if she tells enough people that this is her plan, nobody will ever think of her as boring.
Here we have the essence of Zelda Martial's biggest secret fear. Zelda Martial is absolutely terrified that one day someone will rumble her. She will be revealed as an ordinary person who thinks ordinary thoughts. Oh shame of shames, what will she do then? To keep this dreadful possibility at bay, Zelda will go to any length, she will climb any mountain (even if it does happen to be on Mars) and she will swim any sea (even if she can't swim yet - she'll learn how to one of these days - you just wait and see). Or perhaps, more realistically (but only a bit) Zelda will set out to prove that she really is a great intellectual\adventurer\philosopher etc. etc. Much to everyone's surprise (including her own) in the fullness of time... it will all turn out to be true!
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