So.. last night I was up until 6:30 in the a.m. and had a wonderful evening (or should I say, morning). =D
But now, for the real update.. a while ago Nicole aluminum foiled the crap out of her friend Jon's room. Since revenge is best served cold, he decided to get her back months later and enlisted my help as the roommate w/ complete access to her room while she was away dirtbike riding for the weekend. >=D Muahahaha.. yesterday I went and bought three 24-packs of post it notes (only 2 of which we used) and went to work covering EVERYTHING in her room.
@ 10:30 a.m. this morning, we got to work. 5 hours and 3,400 post it notes later... this was the
That says "UR MOM" for those of you who can't read it, haha.
Her beloved picture of her b/f, Jon, was also post it noted.. hahah.
I think the desk was by far the most ridiculous asset.
Under the desk..
We even got her apples, hahaha. =P
One complete side..
And the other. =D
I think this was the most ridiculous prank I've ever pulled on anyone, and the funny thing is since I had only had like 3.5 hours of sleep, I was delirious. I just kept laughing about it and I really couldn't believe that I just spent my entire Sunday morning/afternoon post it noting the crap out of my best friend's room, hahah. FIVE hours we spent, FIVE! I totally know I'm gonna get it back, I feel it. I think I might have to start using the lock on the door of my room from now on just in case, haha. My other roommate said he was getting a lock for his door now, since he saw the shenanigans that went on, haha. She walked in and went "What the fuck?! Oh.. my.. God.." Hahahaha, I heard her from my room and then went out there to see her w/ this totally shocked look on her face, haha. *Sigh* good freakin' times. =) Ciao!