(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 13:38

Looking back onto this year, I can't help but be completely amazed at how colorful it looks in retrospect. The things I've learned, experienced, and dealt with have made this year one, if not the, best years of my entire life. After reading Annie's journal, I have felt compelled to write a similar one... but don't expect that I'll get everything out the first time. Instead, expect myself and others to comment daily with something new and hilarious that we left off.

* putting on tap shoes and dancing around in the halls does NOT please the black girls underneath us
* to wear flip flops in the shower because people WILL pee while they're in there
* it is easy to learn every word to EVERY rap song known to man because you can hear them playing 24/7, regardless of quiet hours
* when you're tight with your R.A. and the hall director, life is a breeze!
* cleaning is SO over-rated, folding clothes is a thing of the past, and it's suddenly acceptable to wear the same pair of jeans 4 times before washing them
* you can NEVER have enough quarters
* the "walk of shame" is probably the most embarrassing yet hilarious thing to ever happen-- this occurs when you walk into your dorm at 11 a.m. the day after a huge party wearing the same clothes you had on when you left the night before
* girls are HORRIBLE beings that can't control their tempers, hormones, and emotions
* you're never too old to do handstands in the hallway
* it really is OKAY to walk across campus alone at night
* fresh food was wonderful for about 5 minutes... then i got sick of the cobbler and we were OUTTA there!
* waitressing is the BEST way to meet people, make money, AND burn calories!
* the kitchen table is the BEST bed in the world and is best used while talking on the phone through all hours of the night
* DaveFest was one of the BEST times we had all year
* It IS possible to spike hootch. It is also possible to fall into your closet while you're trying to take your pants off
* shaving your legs is NOT necessary
* chello! the ARAB voice really never gets old. ever.
* complaining about going up the hill is a thing of the past. now, we can all just complain because our legs are too muscular to fit into our pants and we all have ended up looking like hulk hogan
* it's never too late to turn on crappy 90's music and dance around on a towel
* pooping reindeer ARE hilarious, despite what anyone thinks
* being hit on by 27 year old men is indeed NASTY and it causes you to want to take a shower immediately
* you can meet some AWESOME people by yelling out of the windows of your dorms
* you can't EVER take too many pictures... honestly.
* yelling "SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS" to random guys is QUITE hilarious
* running around in a hair-dying cap is about twice as bad.... especially when you knock on a random fraternity's door and and to take a picture with them
* random piercings/tattoos/hair dying REALLY does happen
* having sex with a stability ball is TOTALLY legal in all 50 states :)
* the GRINCH. enough said
* calling someone "Penie Jeannie Giney" will annoy them SO BADLY at first, but they'll get used to it, promise :)
* you can never steal too many condoms from health services
* baking pancakes can REALLY be the best time you ever have
* girls fart.
* they burp, too
* in fact, most times, they'll even tell you when they have to poop
* "Jingle Jangling" is not only for pre-schoolers
* when you're in a bed with two other girls and you can't sleep, just take stupid pictures but NEVER SHOW THEM TO ANYONE because you all look horrible in them.
* girls that you NEVER thought would wear pink will :)
* then they'll call you an ass all semester!
* it's ACCEPTABLE to steal an inflatable toy and hold it for ransom, hahaha
* it's ALSO acceptable to scare Katie so badly that she cries (KIM AND JEANNIE)
* it's okay to eat your body weight in chocolate on your birthday
* dressing up in random outfits and running around the hall is something everyone has to experience before they die
* meeting Big Red will brighten your LIFE
* blowing up an air mattress is much harder than it seems
* it's NOT nasty to lick cocoa off of a countertop, nor is it nasty to be dancing on that countertop when a cop busts into the house you're partying at
* there's nothing wrong with dressing up in army clothes and joining the ROTC class for a day
* skim milk does NOT curdle when you leave it in a secret cupboard in the kitchen... but as soon as you think it might, someone will come and throw it away for ya
* if it rains, throw on some nasty clothes and go mud wrestle in front of preston. Beware, though, you'll lose your favorite bracelet and pitch a FIT about it the next day
* some guys at football games have REALLLLLY REALLLLLLY fat necks. But don't worry, you're not even there to see the game anyway- it's more fun to watch the cheerleaders
* don't get an industrial. you WILL bleed gallons of blood, for sure
* smuggling fruit out of fresh food is FUN!
* the point of the past 3 things: MUSIC accompanies every memory
* when your parents surprise you with two of your best friends from back home, realize that when you WAKE UP and they're in your room, you won't believe it.
* Your dad can NEVER come visit too much. And you can never call your mom too much, either.
* when you're in college, you can WAIT until the last minute to do EVERYTHING because your mom isn't there to YELL at you when you're making noise at 5 in the morning! :o)
* class is DEFINITELY optional and you WILL have those days when you think you might die if you have to go. GO ANYWAY
* for fun, all you need it a bottle of dawn. the bubbles will keep you occupied for hours
* If you twist your ankle once, that's okay. Twice, that sucks. Three times, you're Aubrey.
* guitar is a GOOD way to bond. it is also a good way to get REALLY frustrated
* If you're chipper at 7:30 in the morning, people WILL wonder what your problem is
* you can't EVER have too many pictures of you and your room mate
* If you take dance in college, you WILL hate your teacher.
* Partying with the people you work with is DEFINITELY the best
* Spilling water all over a customer will get you a HUGE tip
* Dropping a plate of honey mustard ALL OVER THE PLACE will not.

... really, this is only the beginning. The comments to this journal will tell the rest.

I <3 my sisters...
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