Well everyone! I am back, from the past... dododododo. Um... sorry. Lol. Anyway, yes I'm back from LA. Tis awesome to go to Disneyland again, but it seemed like everyone ELSE had the same darn idea! I mean it was PACKED! Just looking down the road it seemed like a army of ant like people were on the lose. *forms a image of a person with ant feelers...* um... well you know what I mean.
Well, I rode on as many rides as I could, but I don't think this one can even compare to the trip last year with the band. *Inhales, screams with Mel, Brad and Sam threw EVERY ride! Yes! Even the baby ones!* All n' all, I had fun. My little bro and Teresa are NOT theme park people though. Thomas didn't care and Teresa wanted to go the opposite direction from us. It was a mess, but me, being the goofy engetic one, kept them all laughing the best I could. ^.^ I am SUPER Sarah.
So lets see, I went into Disney's California for the first time. It was pretty kewl only if your a BIG time rollercoaster ridder. Soarin' of California was awesome. Made me feel like I was really flying, what a blast. We did spend a lot of time at Disneyland but we went to Universal Stuidos too which I enjoyed the most. << I had Bettlejuice stalking me but hey, whatever, Beetlejuice is hot! *LAUGHS!* I went on Jurasic Park which at first seemed a little boring that is until the drop: "WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa......SPLASH!" That was a FAT drop. My stomach did back flips about eighty times. It was funny too, I screamed then suddenly fell silent like someone slit my throat. Once we hit the bottom, I started laughing HYSTERICALLY! It was like "THAT WAS TOTTALY WICKED!" laugh (yes, quote from Incrediables). The day we left, we decided to make a run for the Mattahorn ((or at least, mom and I did)). That was awesome although it felt awkward because the first time I went on it I was leaning against Sam ((*shoves foot into Mel's mouth!*)) >.<' so I felt a little vunerable! WAAA! And yes! I saw GOOFY! I hugged him and said I love you and what not. And for a minute there o.o Goofy almost picked me up and ran away with me! *LAUGHS!* That was funneh! We also saw Fantastic...? Fatasia....? Something or 'nother but it was kewl. Lots of fireworks and lights and Oh! it was so awesome it made me cry! ^^ yup! So that was my weekend! So if I can recall anything else, I'll live this post at that! Cheers guys!
And of course, I'm going to do a quizilla test just because it give the post color and makes me happy XD
Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not
in never falling, but in rising everytime we
fall" by Confucius.
Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be
seen when a person has "fallen". Only
then one can tell how they will handle it. Just
don't make others fall so you can know who they
really are. You on the other hand may be a very
quick recoverer and don't let people bring you
down. You are your own, and you're find with
that. Emotional issues is something you handle
rather nicely.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by
You like the sweet, shy type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by