Survivor 11 Finale Predictions

Dec 10, 2005 15:36

Survivor: Guatemala ends tomorrow. I'll be so sad because I really liked this season (way better than the last one), and Survivor 12 won't start until spring.

My predictions (mostly what I hope will happen):

Right now, the final four is made of Rafe, Lydia, Danni, and Stephenie.

Next boot:
The others are more concerned with who's "deserving" rather than being smart or conniving enough to take her to the end. She's been the typical player who's done nothing for this season, and if anyone really wants the million dollars, then they'd take her to the finals because no jury would give Lydia the win over any of the other three.
If Lydia miraculously wins immunity, Steph will probably go because she is a threat.

That leaves Steph, Rafe, and Danni.

Next boot:
Danni swore to Rafe that she would take him to the finals, and being the nice person that she is, I believe that she will do it even though it's not the smart move. Rafe has a much better chance of winning against Steph, but I don't think he is as devoted to her as he's convinced her that he is. If Steph wins immunity, she will take Rafe because he's played so well that she has no idea that he's basically controlled most of the game, and she still thinks that Danni is the bigger threat.

Final two:
Rafe and Danni
I am hoping for this so much, and I've wanted this since the merge. To me, it would be the best final two that Survivor has ever had. They are two great players in all aspects and the nicest ones in Survivor history, and I would be overjoyed if either of them won. It's the gay, Mormon, Ivy League student versus the beauty queen, sports announcer from Kansas.

The jury vote:
Bobby Jon - Danni
Jamie - Danni
Gary - Danni
Judd - Rafe
Cindy - Rafe
Lydia - Rafe
Steph - Rafe

Judd could possibly be the swing vote because he hates everybody who got farther than him.

I would die if Steph wins. I would vow never to watch Survivor again and then change my mind when I see the first preview for Survivor 12. =P
I'm hoping that a future Survivor season will take place in India or New Zealand.
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