A few years ago, I watched a couple episodes of the popular anime "Bleach", and while I didn't like the show much, I loved the closing song. That's why Rie Fu's "Life is like a Boat" is December's song of the month.
Before you go writing it off because it was attached to a TV show, keep in mind that a lot of highly popular songs in Japan, in fact, many of the best selling singles in Japan, are used as openings or endings for TV shows. Also, the openings and ending themes for most TV shows change every season, frequently even mid-season. They are usually done by high profile and successful singers, so being a TV theme does not at all carry the same connotations as in America.
This song is half in English too, so you might appreciate that. I think the simplicity of the song really highlight's Rie's lovely voice, and the lyrics are quite nice as well.
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