So I've been doing a fair amount of cooking recently and have been really enjoying it. I've even been taking on "special projects" like my mom's special mashed potatoes (filled with all sorts of good stuff) and pumpkin gooey bars. Next up are cookies (which are strangely uncommon and absent from this house).
However, I'm pretty much to the end of the "family" recipes (viable, non-breakfast recipes, at least). What should I do next? Do any of you have favorite recipes? Favorite recipe resources? I have so much time on my hands, so the only thing to really stop me would be lack of ingredients (though excepting frozen raspberries and Cool Whip I've been able to find almost everything) or the kids' tastes (they don't like a lot of dairy-filled dishes supposedly, but they thought the dairy-rich potatoes were fine).
So ideas?
(Also being a Monday, new Threadless shirts were released and I was so going to abstain but
I Listen to Bands AND
Strange Birds were reprinted, plus another
music-related design by one of my favorite designers was printed so... (this is becoming an expensive addiction).)