Updates to The Chamberedheart.com

Dec 28, 2011 11:32

Today, I'm updating to include the first five chapters of The Cosmos Within, a Doctor Who fanfiction novel. The entire novel is complete, and I will continue updating with a new chapter each week until its conclusion. The story features the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory Williams, River Song, the Meta Crisis Doctor (10.5) and Rose Tyler, plus an ensemble cast of characters and villains... all my favorites, and hopefully yours.

Two other bits of information of note. First, I met my reading goal for the 2011 year. My final BookList is here, with all 42 titles present. Second, Katya and I have booked a flat in Notting Hill for our trip to London this Spring Break. Very, very excited. Many thanks to our family and friends, and to HomeAway.com, for helping us get this far. We are very much in your debt, and know well how blessed we are.

Forthcoming to this blog, my annual New Year's Resolutions... those are always fun, and the Year In Review for 2011's BookList. Previous years can be found right here.

books, nanowrimo, doctor who, fanfiction

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