Updates to The Chambered Heart and Book Lists

May 15, 2010 17:02

Twelve days of school left, and then I can return to the world of my dreams where all day long I write. It's like a special kind of heaven. Dear Universe: help me to remember that every year ends like this. Help me to remain calm, to keep my temper, and end this year with grace.

I'm stopping by today to update my Book List. Since I'm moving up to teach 8th grade next year, I was able to collaborate with the other 8th grade teacher (who is incredible; cannot wait to work with him) to choose novels for next year. My goal for this summer, in addition to finishing Reprieve, is to read and analyze all five books: The Giver, by Lois Lowry; Life of Pi, by Yann Martel; The Princess Bride, by William Goldman; Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury; and Parrot In The Oven, by Victor Martinez.

I've already begun this endeavor by re-reading The Giver. I'm really looking forward to re-reading Life of Pi and all of Something Wicked, as I've only read parts of it. This is the first time I've been able to be an active participant in the selection of books for our school. Before, I have had to choose from books already in our collection. I'm confident we have chosen books that are varied and entertaining. More importantly, I think the kids will actually read them. Of course, more and more, I understand that I'm an idealist, and that reality sticks our her tongue at idealists and laughs.

books, writing, teaching

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