Happy Easter Self Spam!

Apr 10, 2009 17:20

Happy Good Friday, everyone!
Today's post contains a newly-updated Book List, now with the links to each book added in from Amazon.com. My reading goal for this year is 34 books; I've just finished the tenth.

I'm also finally getting around to posting the essay I wrote for my brother for his birthday. Titled
The Story of My Childhood, this essay is part of a series of stories I'm writing as a Christmas gift to my famil. Since I've been teaching Seventh Grade, I've had a lot of practice in the form of essay writing. This is just one of the finished ones I have to offer right now.

In other writing news, I am still tinkering with the untitled Connor/Faith one-shot, which was promised to my beta and roommate, Mattallica, as his birthday gift. However, I must admit the passion has gone out of it since I have finished Anywhere Out of This World. My focus has shifted to the novel project I've been working on for the last decade. Over Spring Break, my daughter and I took a research trip to my hometown, which rekindled my desire to finally get this story written. Thanks to the fandom, I know I can write something start to finish. Before Buffy, I never knew I had it in me to follow-through.

With the school year in full fever, and the TAKS test hovering over us like an enormous storm cloud, I feel painfully out of touch with the LJ community. But I wanted everyone to know that I miss you and long for the summer, where I can fully indulge myself in your wonderfulness.

books, faith, anywhere out of this world, connor, writing

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