Eleventh Hour, Chapter 64 of Anywhere Out of This World

Oct 19, 2008 22:13

Back on schedule now, I have the next brief chapter of Anywhere Out of This World. Katya and I went horseback riding this weekend, and even though we didn't get to stay as long as we originally hoped, we did have a great time, and we used the rest of our weekend toward creative pursuits. She's writing a new original fiction, and I've finished another chapter. If it keeps up like this... well, I'm not going to say anything because I'll just wind up jinxing myself!

Here's the latest:
Eleventh Hour, Chapter 64 of Anywhere Out of This World
Word Count: 1,990
Rating: PG
Summary: Dawn draws a path between the Flat and Triumvirate, just in time to spare Lorne, Clem, and Oz from a deadly rugby match against the Sulksquelawtna Demon Clan, but unexpectedly, their Master turns up to level the playing field.
Disclaimer: For fun and fun alone. All hail the great and mighty Joss.

fanfic, dawn, faith, buffy, connor, spike

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