Lusty Wrong Feelings - Chapter 11

Jun 07, 2006 11:52

Author: celesteavonne
Pairing: Main pairing Spike and Buffy. But in this chapter, Oz and Anjelica, and Dawn with some guy named Augie.
Rating: R
Summary: Lusty Wrong Feelings, Chapter 11 of Anywhere Out of This World

Summary: Following a conversation with my Mom, who insists that good stories involve writers taking risks, I bring you the latest installment of my Buffyverse tale. This one involves a risk-taking with Dawn. As she grows into her own power and deals with her grief over her missing sister, she starts down a path that will lead her to trouble.

Summary: Oz, Anjelica and Nighna enter the Second Circle of Hell, the place set aside for those who commit acts of Lust. The forest turns out to be intoxicating in its luxuriance, and Nighna fears that it may bring out the worst in at least one of them.

Back in London, Dawn engages in a little experimentation in a nearly desperate effort to get her drawings to come to life again. In Spike's work-aholic absence from the house, Andrew sinks into an obsessive hermitage to try and make order out of all the chaos.

Disclaimer: All BtVS and AtS character belong to Joss. All hail the great and mighty Joss.

Feedback: Yes, please. It's always appreciated and thanks!

andrew, dawn, buffy, spuffy, oz, fanfiction, spike

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