Maybe - A Dandrew Drabble

Mar 02, 2007 17:28

My daughter and I have decided to spend 30 minutes a day working as writing partners. We sit at the table with our composition notebooks and we write, using Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down The Bones for inspiration. Today was our fist session, and this is what it yielded for me.

Title: Maybe
Word Count: 125
Pairing: Dawn & Andrew
Spoiler: Set in Anywhere Out of This World

Dawn brought her lips to his. She held them there, waiting for his response.

After several breathless seconds, she opened her eyes to find his closed. His body seemed paralyzed - stiffened, as it were - and utterly still.

“Andrew?” she asked.

When he didn’t answer, she felt she had erred to the highest degree. Maybe she’d misread their banter. Maybe it was nervous banter. Maybe it was just banter banter, and she’d just veered of course with it, and he was so stunned, so furious it was all he could do to keep from slapping her as she’d once slapped him for the same offense.

A moan escaped his lips. Dawn backpedaled mentally, prepared to profusely apologize.

Andrew opened his eyes. He said, “Do that again.”

andrew, fanfic, dawn, spuffy, writing

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