(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 23:11

I envy those who can write good drabbles ( beanbeansand  appomattoxco leap to mind. *am jealous*) because they are so elegant and concise, and I tend to ramble on...

However, tonight I was sparked to creativity by reading
caromio's fic. I wrote a pair of linked drabbles. Not for Buffy and Spike (oh no! Spuffy truly inspires me and I would love to be able to pen a lovely single drabble for them), but for my new pet pairing: Dawn and Andrew.

Please go easy on me since these are my first ever drabbles. Or whack me with a stick. Either way, I'll probably never attempt the form again.

Child's Game

Dawn in PJs and knee socks. Pillow fights. Digital camera. Ticklish spots. And laughter. Lots and lots of laughter. Eating peanut butter from a spoon. Maps drawn on her body with his fingers. Dividing her up, conquering...

Games of Life, Risk, Monopoly lasting for days until she caved because he had all the money and land, and she was sure he’d cheated anyway.

He hadn’t cheated. On his honor, he hadn’t.

There’d been a time when he never considered kissing those full lips. Then another when he couldn’t imagine not kissing them; a loss made more beautiful by sorrow.

“Stop it,” he begged. “You don’t know how hard this has been.”

Dawn said, “It’s been hard for me too. Things weren’t supposed to be like this. Not with us.”

Andrew couldn’t be sure what things she meant. The things before, when they were together. Or the things now. The after.

They were older, now. Only a matter of days, really, but older in their innocence spoiled. He had no desire for games or toys. No first-person narratives of Andrew Wells.

He loved her. That was the thing. How could he walk away, when the boundaries were just being drawn?

drabble, andrew, dawn, buffy, spike

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