Ohayocon... stuff... really

Feb 09, 2011 04:34

Lets see how fast I can type this story.... entry up starting at 3:49am on 2/9/11

AND TIME... goes

oK SO people I just returned from the ever so popluar Ohayocon. I debuted a new NANA dress, I'll post pictures of that later, a Nurse outfit... ONLY WORN FOR like 30 minutes for a free badge for next years Ohayocon, and Salacia Amice (my ice costume. yes I finally gave it a name)

SO regarding the competition the entire story goes like this.

STARTING in July of 2010, someone and I started a group entry planning. I thought it would be cool if we did designs on the base elements like fire and water. So the other girl had plenty of fabric or so she says and she did FIRE. I choose water... I dunno. I know I have a lot of blue costumes already but I decided to roll with it. When I was cleaning in my room like around Mid August I found this awesome FABRIC that I had (that later becomes completely Salacia Amice. I no longer own any of this fabric left) and I changed it more towards ICE. Water is water... but the highest form of water is ICE so its like ok... Lets roll with that. I showed her my progress at Youmacon... and a few other people and they're like WOW. And thats only as like 45% completion... sorta? I dunno. And so... time goes on I ask her about hers... she said that she restarted again with the design at least three more times before Thanksgiving hit. I was like wtf... just draw it and recreate it. Thats what all designers do.. or at least they have it in their head. And so she gave me this bull crap lame excuse

"I made the design but I'm changing it as I go."

WHAT THE HELL KIND OF SHIT IS THAT?! I'm editing it as I work on it? I didn't want to accept that and I wanted her to stick to her ORIGINAL idea or at least go with mine and finish it but NOPE. She kept changing it. Eventually the girl found a lot of stuff she wanted to do.. which was WINGS, wings attached to her arms, fans, armlets, choker, the dress, a sash, leg warmers, garterbelt, anklets.. just all this sort of too much for me to handle. I told her, GET the dress done. Worry about the dress and perfect craftsmenship before anything else. It really WORRIED THE crap out of me that I had to keep telling her that due to her focusing on everything but the dress. I will never accept a poorly made dress unless we were entering for a prop. I don't do prop work so I believe the dress has to stand out. SO then she tells me again that she has changed her design before Christmas hit and she's not going to be able to work on this dress until January and such... Ok.ay. At this point I wanted to chose the smart thing and tell her
"Look if you're not going to do it correctly or put the time and effort in it as much as I have just don't do it."

BUT I DIDN'T. Eventually she even kind of had a misunderstanding with me and started to blow a fuse on me saying that I didn't appreciate her and didn't want to talk to her again kinda like what I do with certain people. To be exact these people I don't talk to because of things. ONE I don't want to lead them on so I try to give them the hint that I'm not into them like that without hurting their feelings. TWO other said person has a girlfriend who does not like me so we're no longer friends and I don't talk to them. I was merely telling her that day not to change my design and all this stuff and I rejected her ideas because she was saying add masks and wings to MY design. It's like HELL NO. You finish your shit and you leave mine alone.

Later in December I come out and tell her I don't want to compete with her anymore. She quickly tries to understand why I didn't. I told her I didn't appreciate the fact that I was trying to help her and she wanted to change my design. Partially some of this is because she kept blowing her design out of proportion and wanted to equally match mine. Reason being I had posted progress pictures, and can easily be determined that she was jealous of my work. Example: I posted pictures of my COMPLETED headdress that I planned from day one. She never had a headdress and after seeing mine she added one. So she and I talked it out. And still competed with her. I told her then and there if I would be disappointed if the craftsmenship isn't her best.

It really annoyed me that she was all talk and no work. So I was like fine. Just get it done. Then she tells me, it will get done. So then later... she keeps trying to contact me, (i'm working duh, don't fricken bother me when I want to get my shit done. I can't sew on the machine with my phone stuck at my ear. it's like hello? I can't hear you because I'm trying to sew... what are you stupid? I know that people want to call me and talk but there are things that I want to get done as opposed to talking. I have all the time in the world to talk but I dont have all the time in the world to finish my costumes before the masquerade/judging so back off) so I let her talk to me a few times on AIM and it's just like.. her starting to worry...she should try to change it again so suddenly before the con... could I come and help her with it... should she do this... will she have enough fabric... and just a bunch of unnecessary worry which causes me to think she DOES not believe in her design. So I help her showing her fire like designs other people have done like LIMEBARB and YAYA HAN. And she rejects all the ideas and runs with her own. I left it alone. I did all I could at that point..

But I wanted to ease her and say this
"I'll be disappointed if you sell out"
Thus meaning, if you do the exact same thing as me: corset, open skirt, and tiara. I've told her what she had to do for her fire costume. I've told her what I see in a Fire. Fire is untamed. You can't make it completely crisp and edged. Fire isn't like that. It's UNTAMED. It'll spread and burn other things. You have to embody that feeling and warmth.

So I refused to talk to her until my costume was finished. It came to the point where it like nagging. I don't need to be nagged. I don't need more burdens. I figured I'd set this straight, I laid a deadline for the costume to be completed. Which was the Friday before the convention. I decided this due to... a few things
~If ur not going to put any effort until the last week, its going to look like shit
~if you are going to last minute it and put hot glue on it, I will not be happy, the only part of my costume that has hot glue is my shoes and it has to be that way
~if there is bad craftsmenship i can tell that it was all done in that week
~ITS TIME TO PROVE IF U CAN BACK YOUR WORDS UP and not blowing it out of your a$$

So my friends talked to me while I was handstitching all the beads, and a lot of them kept mentioning what she was doing rather than cosplaying. I know that we all have lives outside of cons but it's like this.... I'm still putting my effort into this. If we win I want it because we both put time and effort into this... not just relying on one sole person. And thats the way I feel. Secondly I don't want someone taking bragging rights where there is no credit.

The friday came and she didn't post to me any pictures but showed a few. I WAS NOT PLEASED. with what I saw... and it was only the headdress. I told her to do something to make it more fire like. Then she said she might go to a blonde wig rather a red wig. I rec=commended that to her as the first thing and she didn't listen to me. I called her out on it and she says she doesn't remember. I CLAIM BULLSHIT. I kept telling her by the end of the conversation that I know for a fact I told her to use a different wig rather than red in the beginning but she kept giving me the excuse that blonde flushes out her skin tone. Ive seen her use a blonde wig... and its like whatever. I got really mad. Then I proceeded to not talk to her seeing as my skirt was almost finished but I had a few finishing designs left.

Con came. utter disappointment.. this is what I found... puckering, unfinished hems. strings hanging from not being cut properly... just all sorts of not right ness... I was completely fooled thinking that she would learn past these mistakes. I showed her my hard work... then we talked about it... my room mates heard our conversation and I REALLY HAD TO POOP. She wouldn't just let it drop that I wasn't happy with her total outcome. It's like.. I pushed her to create a design and finish it. Let alone she didn't finish it but she even edited it more before that Friday hit. There was no going back..
This is what her design looks like.. and thats the headpiece on the right, its supposed to sit on her head like laurels.
Fire design

So I decided to enter alone and she told me she wasn't feeling good for eating something bad.. or something? In the end we entered separately. Come judging time... apparently I was at the wrong judging time... didn't figure that out until after my judging time... and the judges did not even touch my costume. I had to hold it up and make them feel it. It was kinda stupid.

Masquerade time... I stepped on one of my ice lights... and my heel started bleeding.. my bad. :,[ so painful but I put duct tape as a quick bandaid HAHAHAHA, ITS HIDDEN VERY WELL. :D I got a little bit of blood on my skirt too. winners came up and I was not called. Once again I had been fooled... someone asked why I didnt win and they said due to craftsmenship.. I think thats totally bullshit.. but whatever.

Sunday I come find out that I was disqualified due to the "Fire" girl that I was working with told one of the jduges the drama I had caused her.. and I was disqualified. Turns out one of the judges was her friend and used that against me. So the judges didn't even give me a chance at the masquerade. Now this is completely true because the "fire" girl then sends me a message... Im only going to quote a little bit of it...

"I talked to the judges and went to part of the masquerade feedback panel (I showed up to be judged at 1:55PM. I tried calling you but I couldn’t get through. They told me that had we not had a conflict because you wanted to separate our entries, we would have won as a group because we had embodied fire and ice perfectly and had unique and beautiful designs and execution and that the only thing we lacked was reference pictures. However, they said that because we had to separate our entries, they were afraid of picking one over the other and so they eliminated both of us instead and went for third best and gave her the award."

Anyways, I had posted on the ohayocon threads CAUSING A RUCKUS... I doubt they care anymore but I will post this journal entry everywhere until it gets there but I said

"For the record I was the Ice cosplayer. I separated from my friend who was Fire. I will admit I did want to separate our entries. I heard she had a stomach ache and did not want to compete. I have competed alone in previous competitions so I still entered.

Disqualifications are completely on a separate level. While I have never really heard of many dq's.. I still think its irrational. One being if you can't enjoy your own hobby and show casing it then thats a new low. I never knew this until after the entire masquerade was over but I was disqualified. Even before I entered the judging room, I had no chance in winning. SO why would I have spent my time thinking that I was going to attempt to compete when I was not in the competition any more? I would like to be humored by the idea why I was disqualified other than personal affairs. Or was it because I missed my time? Honestly it's a bit unfair to completely tell more than 3 of my friends why I lost, and to each of them they've heard a different reason. Then to find out on Sunday that I was just personally disqualified. To hear that it was due to my craftsmenship is a complete lie hearing that I was DISQUALIFIED before I entered the room. Humor me honestly. Why was I disqualified? if necessary I will re-post what someone said to me on this topic."
ohayocon forums link

I have yet to hear back from them... but I'm greatly bothered by this. I hope everyone comes to understand why I have such a vendetta when it comes to cosplaying in a group setting.

FOR THE RECORD. I will not help anyone make a costume unless I personally like you and know that you're not in it to get in my pants. Forget that shit. I'm not helping rude ass backstabbers anymore seeing as how badly I was treated this past Ohayocon due to someone who I thought was a good friend. It's really annoying but I don't like it too much when people cling to me. If I'm annoyed by you, I will not talk to you. Not answer calls. Not answer texts. Facebook responses will be delayed.


entry, drama, ohayocon

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