Finally Right?
I stayed awake since Thursday morning..((dressed as a panda? NO. I just wore black and white)) So basically I choose to sleep in the car. I need to learn to drive but Ashley says that she’s afraid of the day when I start to drive… LOL. Anyways…
slayer_sango gives me a call then I realized I have no voice.. uber disappointment. So she comes picks me up around 8:20a.m. then we drive off towards Columbus for OHAYOCON.
We get to the con… short line for registration…We met up with Krys and his girlfriend.. saw Sean, Phillip, Alex and Shawn... and I got to see Ameria as Cooking Mama.. I didn’t get a picture with her but I did get a cookie. THANK YOU MAMA! I tried advertising for her for a while.. I think it worked.. I dunno. Then we had to wait for our hotel room to be ready. So on that down time I wandered around with Maranda, Phillip, Sean, and Shawn. I saw Bri-chan and talked to her for a bit. I saw Frank in the dealers room and avoided him at all costs. It was fun seeing everyone in the halls and all the people I know. Then I was able to get into my room.
Around 2:30 I went and did my short D. Gray Man shoot with
Kalajessta, Daryl ((I think thats his name? I'm sorry I don't remember that well.)) and Ted. Well that was Friday.. Today is not Friday.
Then I went off to the Ganguro and parapara panel.. Which was soo much fun! I definitely love the panda make up.. It’s totally a different style to me and something new.. Which I love Japanese subculture.. It’s so exotic. I’m definitely not a total newb to para para but damn, there were some dancing kings/queens at that stuff.. It was awesome. Really I enjoy seeing people do it.. ((note to self: learn evangelion para para))
I started playing a bit of Guitar Hero 3.. I like to play at least two songs then pass the guitar.. That way I’m not too greedy but at least I get a fair share in. This year I tried to get back into playing Soul Calibur 3, but I didn’t make it in the tournament because of the waitlist.. I should have signed up sooner. I meet up with my friends from TN and some new ones.
Dan, Gage and I got ready for our cosplay judging.. By then I had lost most of my voice and I was surprised I was able to present my outfit to the judges as a whole. It was awesome meeting Lime barb ((although she was a bit silent.. I was so intimidated by her)) and Jia.
I went on for a bit as Faye and then I changed into Rinoa Heartlily. I can’t believe I saw no Squall cosplayers. That’s a first.. I’ll keep searching until I find one then I’ll definitely retire that costume.
I went to the rave for a bit.. Wasn’t as great as I hoped but whatever. It was still fun then I left and played a bit of DS with Dan then went to sleep. Everyone else started getting sick.. I don’t know whats going on.. But I wasn’t the only one that was losing their voice that weekend.. Is there a con virus that’s started?? GASP!