There I was still asleep.. barely on the edge of the bed with my ace stuffed against a fluffy pillow. I heard Dan's ((
lilyakka)) phone go off with his alarm: PARALYZER. I got up from my slumber and started dancing... then when the alarm finished I laid back down and resumed my sleep. This happened a few times.. 8:30 rolls around: Satan tried to and so Satan ((KrysB)), Ai Li ((
slayer_sango)), Dan and I go down and get our BREAKFAST. Which was like shopping. I'm like..," oo paper bags..." so we have a selection of fruits, muffins, and granola bars. Obviously the hotel went cheap with the con. Whatever. We got like two juices per person and then a full bag of breakfast goodies and returned to the room. I hated their orange juice... thankfully I was smart and got some of the apple juice too. It helped my throat.. When we actually returned to our quarters.. I put my stuff down.. and jumped back into bed and fell asleep with my head snuggly against the pillow.
10:10 am rolls around and everyone is like saying get up and then I realize I have an hr and 10 minutes until cosplay judging.. so I ran into the bathroom and then started preparing... like another hour rolls by and I'm finally dressed in my Faye costume. Thus meaning I was the last one to be ready to head down stairs.. yea.. you can't rush me.. but I just have to start early. Then we headed to the judging panel. Ai Li and I got judged.. loads of fun there.. then we started wandering aimlessly around. But DAN WAS PLAYING DDR AS VICIOUS FROM COWBOY BEBOP!!!
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((guess what... WE SEE YOUR BUTT... XD just kidding around))
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I really wanted to have my voice to do that glomp.. its so me. You can hear me go NYAH at the end... ((I'm really sad))
This is where Satan and I got into the picture. ((He invented his own counter-glomp and I have no fricken idea what was going to happen. Yes I am in yellow. GO FIGURE!))
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I sound so fricken weird..
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The rest of the glomping panel that the four of us attended. Also like Chris/Satan came up with his own Cheerleader glomp on the spot and used me.. I'm like "You better catch me!" But yeah..
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I never saw Ameria((
thekaraokeninja)) except for this one time.
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NINJA... in yellow? better than Naruto! HAHAHA Orange... hahahaha.
Then uh... uh the glomping panel was over.. so we all got bored once again.. how boring is that?! I dunno so then we were killing time.. wandering around again..repainted my boots.. and then ran out of spray paint... nothing important. UNTIL THIS HAPPENED!
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Yeah.. we're idiots. I love how Ai Li reminds me of a white rabbit.. OMG THATS HILARIOUS.. anyways I should go bash my head in with a xbox... because that was so corny. Ai Li's last name is white.. and shes a rabbit.. ok whatever. Which after running off to the side.. a granola bar fell out of my shirt... and I was on my hands and knees and POUNCED ON IT. My god that was fricken godly.. I'll do it again sometime. ((LJ posts are so much better with videos!)) So then a bunch of people at the con were like," hey we're trying to get a a big group of people to go to the mall. Ai Li and I wouldn't have made it back in time for the masquerade.. so we stayed behind.. and like starved... LOL.
SO then the masquerade!
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The first video is the walk ons and then the awards.. so yeah.
These are the only two skits.
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THEN THIS HAPPENED!! I need to increase my vocabulary size instead of saying THEN THIS HAPPENED! Or something of the sort.
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Bad girl Faye!
Anime crossing.. instead of animal crossing.. okay whatever..
hikaruchan ,
drhikaru, and I were like BREAK IT DOWN. The staff in the room started playing Sexy Back thats why..
See I am a ninja!!!!
AREN'T WE AWESOME? Anyways! Then we all like hung around for a bit.. then left.
darkmiyuka and
drhikaru were wandering... they basically slept in the entire Saturday... so then... Our group: Dan, Ai Li, Satan and I went to our room, eat PIZZA.((delicious)).. and watched The Number 23... omg freaky and trippy and KNIFE SEX!!!! I painted everyone's nails with glow in the dark NAIL POLISH! WHEEE!Seriously its for emos. That has to be one of the most emo movies I've ever seen. And then we went SWIMMING!! Which Meagan ((I think I got it this time)) and Queer Chris were there.. but Satan and Gage went to get a real drink if you get my drift. Which is funny. Gage then told us when he got back that the bartender said this!," THANKS MAN. You made me feel like I was in a real anime. I'm giving Spike a real drink."
Heres proof that we went swimming.
SHES GOT A KEEPER!! It almost looks like my top is untied.. uh oh!
So then it was time for the RAVE!
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Short clip at what you might see at the rave!
Meagan and Ai Li which people.. I dunno whats going on there.
GROUP SHOT! But where the hell is our
darkmiyuka HUH! She should have been in that picture.
THIS SHOT IS SO FRICKEN SMEKSI... I love it. Seriously. hehe.
Then after raving for like hours on end..
drhikaru, Dan, Satan, Dai, Nate and I went to KROGER FOR REFRESHMENTS! Which was so worth it.. ICE CREAM!
ANYWAYS. So eating ice cream and discussing a lot of stuff like anime.. then we all did SOMETHING INSANELY STUPID.... which is THIS! But its not stupid.. its so much fun.. LOL. This is why we just need to have a camera on us the entire time we're together... hahahahaha
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ANYWAYS... yea... then we all headed to bed. Thats it!
((that was a bitch to write))