Starting to be painful

Sep 09, 2007 19:44

You know.. it never occurred to me how painful it could be without your voice. Seriously. I love my voice, sure it maybe the only noise to shatter plastic but its ok. Anyways. Thursday was the start of my voice alteration because of my sickness.. due to the fact that I took the wrong medicine. Yes my fault entirely. CONTINUING... So I became sick after a little allergy problem with the wrong drugs. ((hahahaha yeah acid. fuck off, I'm not that dumb.)) Friday I felt like I was going to lose it. I would hate to lose my voice. No more jokes. ((even if I don't have any)) No more conversations on the phone. ((I'll miss those long hours)) No more singing. ((Not like I do it that often or do i?)) But its very important to me. I won't be able to communicate to others like I'm used to.. I won't be able to cuss anyone out. I won't be able to crawl on the floor and say "7 days". It's not the same without my voice. I love my voice. Its a treasure that I never really noticed. I take it for granted. Or at least thats how I feel right now. I still have it but it hurt so bad to talk on Friday. As horrible as it was, I think it was harder for cowgrl_88/Ai Li not to fall asleep on the trip up to Dublin, Ohio.

For the Con:
Ai Li and I were the only ones that we knew were going from our area. Turns out hikaruchan went too and actually judged there too. Shared some great stories. I seriously will get her a cake. I like keeping my word about those things. I caught up with darkmiyuka and drhikaru from Anime Punch. Didn't really hang out there.. but I remember them... ha yes I do. HAHAHAHAHAHA. THAT WAS FRICKEN HILARIOUS BACK THEN. ((and I had my nice voice too)) So other than not sounding like myself when I answer my phone and people asking if I was there.. I did do cosplay.. I don't have pics on me.. but drhikaru has pics.. not a lot but a small teaser. lilyakka/Dan should have pics faster than me.. why? Because I forgot my camera like a phoul once again.. so I'll steal his and cowgrl_88/Ai Li's photos once they're up. Everyone got a lot of crazy videos and some crazy late nights. Seriously. The con was a lot of fun for me. But I feel like I missed out because I couldn't talk as much as I wanted to. I got to talk to kalajessta a lot more this time instead of how little and not really happening at Ikasucon.. hahaha. But hey its okay. Kyo hurt his ankle during his Sneak Like a Ninja event/panel. It was awesome. I love my group.. thank you to everyone.. Tj, Dan, Ai Li, Satan((you know who you are)) and lets see that pirate girl who was asian but worked the costume very well. So it was awesome, I was hiding alright? And it was an awesome spot.. and it was close to the door of the panel.. I could hear people saying," We can't find Fuu. I can't find that pink kimono girl" which later lead to people at McDonalds calling Fuu at me. Still amazing. I also got to talk to MikePower9 for the first time. It was pretty interesting.
Why do I say that now? ha... ? Because I asked him if I'm approachable.. and hes like why? well because a lot of people who talk to me online don't approach me which is totally okay for me... I'm just curious as to why no one does approach me in real life you know.
SO Ikasucon passes, he didn't approach me. He said he didn't see me.
SO Matsuricon comes.. and he says.. why don't you say hi to me? Answer: You were supposed to approach me and say hi. Response: Oh... hi /wave.
My response: HOORAY! I'm approachable now.

So in all actuality.. I'm not very approachable until the second or third time... hahahaha. But hey its okay. As long as it happens.

ANYWAYS. um. um. um. um. um. I did something very different at this con... get sick.. stay sick... almost lose my voice... participated and attended panels, and actually slept and ate at the con.. mostly ice cream though. I my throat hurt too much to eat anything too solid.

Thats my report.. anything that needs more detail... I'll add later.

voice, friends, cosplay, matsuricon, rant

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