Can't Find That Something Important

May 27, 2007 15:41

Um.. time for a serious update.

Yesterday I got up... around 8 something. Got ready for OMG!con. And John, Reuben and Kevin picked me up. We got Burger King and that was great. We got on the road and such.... took around 2-3 hours due to construction work and everything. That sucked. Well.. it was a nice ride there.

We finally arrive there and I got my badge. I was dressed as Yuna so of course I wrote my name as Yuna on the tag. XD. The theme for this year's OMG!con was sorta Final Fantasy X. Which was perfect for our group.

I first saw the vendors room and I saw the nice lady from Daigacon. Shes so awesome. She gave me a deal on hairsticks. I bought 3 of them and she gave me one for free. So its like yay! SETS! So I have four new hair sticks. I got this cute geisha one and then a cute pink one with a lot of shingles. So then I bought this pink uber cute HONEY SENPAI'S BUNNY BACKPACK! omg... I love it but it wasn't for me. ITS FOR SOMEONE ELSE! YAY. ANYWAYS. Frank wasn't there, I totally forgot his e-mail address.. so of course I couldn't buy a DEATH NOTE. Crap. I really want one.

So after doing all that. I went and played games. I caught up with Amen and his brother... wow He looks so different with that wig.. Hung out with them for a while then got into the cosplay contest.. it was crazy. But fun nevertheless. So we had to get in our order for walk-ons. I'll admit the skits weren't that funny as last year.. but at least we had more than one. The Suichi Gravitation cosplayer wasn't in line at the time and totally didn't show. Then it was our turn.. the music we had requested didn't go on.. it was like WTF! Anyways... yea. Then we walked around and waited for the results. So like the Anbu Naruto group got best Group award.. and then we got Judges favorite. It was pretty cool. And such. The Dir En Grey cosplayer got an award.. it was such a nice outfit too. The Final Fantasy XI Blue Mage and Kaoru from Kenshin won an award. I'm so pissed. I forgot that we could sing songs as a skit. I'm so doing it next time damn it!

I changed into my Oruha cosplay.. and people didn't know if it was one or not. But it was silly folks. XD

The rave was tons of fun.. always making those crazy lines and dancing. I have to admit I shouldn't have done what I did... But you know. The future is always more important than the present. Or something. I'm happy that our group one. That was one of my first group cosplays. :D

friends, conventions, cosplay, cons, omg!con, rant

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