Life, The Universe & Everything

Nov 17, 2012 02:18

Life, The Universe & Everything

I know I've posted a lot in the last 24 hours, but I am too excited too pass the opportunity to write about it.

On Thursday I went to a lecture at the Strathclyde University, organised by the Astronomical Society of Glasgow.

Dr Frazer Pierce from the University of Nottingham, who specialises in the theory of the formation of structure in the Universe was a guest speaker.

And let me tell you - IT WAS AMAZING! I loved every second of it. The majority of the public was 60+ but it made it even more interesting - all of these people had a deep understanding of quantum and astrophysics and it was so refreshing actually having a serious discussion!

We talked about the Quantum and Black Hole boundaries, Plank Masses, the specific place of electrons in the spectrum, etc, etc.

If anything, I learnt a lot (also, I need go through some basic formulas) and had a great time! :)

Since then, I've been craving some astrophysics/astronomy literature, so today, I finally picked up a couple of Hawking's books! ^^

Ahh, I'm just happy, okay? ^^

2012, astrophysics, science, astronomy, personal

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