OH GOSH...time is running out O.o

Sep 23, 2011 17:17

This entry, I have to admit, is entirely personal. I just need to get things off my chest.

Tomorrow is a life-altering day. Really. Tomorrow i'm gonna wake up at 5 AM, get dressed and hop in the car with my dad to go to another town and take my exam. And i'm scared shitless. Oh my god, what am i gonna do if i fail?? My whole future depends on this, my  entire future career, my family's security...and OMG,WHAT ARE THEY GONNA SAY IF I FAIL??? We're really modest family and the money my parents have spent  on this...Just, i am under a shitload of pressure right now. :(

We just stated classes again on 15th. It's going fine, I really enjoy my extra biology classes, but German is already kicking my ass. I thought about this a lot. I want to study medicine-related subject at university, but would it be wise to change the subject if my toefl score appears to be low?

I also signed for the reversebag, but seeing some of the others artists' works i really doubt someone will pick mine.
I'm just...so frustrated! I have a dozen unfinished stories on my computer, nearly a full box of drawings, waiting to be finished. It appears like i do nothing, but i feel like i have no spear minute to just breathe!

I guess i just wanted to share with someone. Things are feeling really crazy... Just, wish me luck tomorrow and prey i don't completely and spectacularly fail at the speaking section (my weakest) :)

                              XOXO, C


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