So, a lot things happened.
My birthday came and passed ( May1st). Turning 18 have always been something scary in my mind. Like suddenly all childhood pleasures will be taken from me...My little sister constantly asks me if i feel wiser. If only...
I got amazing gifts! here's a picture:
I've always had the hots for guns :D The.Best.Gift.Ever!
Just watched the latest Supernatural episode...I can only congratulate Misha for the amazing acting - one of my favourite episodes from this season.
The end of the school year is coming closer and i'm getting even more anxious. I'm taking the TOEFL exam this summer and then i have to apply for college. It all depends on how well i'll do...
On the other hand, this summer should be fun with the awesome SPN Big Bang stories coming up! ^^ I can't wait to read them all!
My story turned longer than i expected and i knew i wouldn't be able to meet the deadline, but i'm not too sad - there's always next year. For this one though, i'll have the chance to try my *awesome* abilities in doing art for a J2 story! It should be great! :)
I'm determined to do my best and have lots of fun. Good luck to everyone participating! =)