(Mis)Treatment of patients and super heroes!

Oct 19, 2011 22:29

I've been busy with a lot of things, mainly getting adjusted to life at university. And I've been playing an increasing amount of Playstation, I'm really getting addicted to FFXIII xD <3

I've been thinking about two things these past days.. One, the debate about transgenderism going on in Denmark atm, and two, this Superhero- thing I've been hearing so much about ^-^;

Let's start with the first, shall we?
The issue is of a 15-year old boy named Caspian, who was born as a girl. This summer, he had his breasts removed, which was something he and his family had been trying to sort out over some time. As it turns out (I would have been able to tell them that much), the Danish authorities wouldn't/couldn't help, as Caspian is under 18, which you have to be i DK. Now, I could go on and on about cases of were it is clear that it would have been better to have acted long before something was done. On the other hand, I can also compile a fair amount of accounts of people who should have taken more time to consider what they wanted.
However, I don't believe that all ftm's and mtf's should suffer under the injustice of being asked to wait, while the body one hates slowly, but surely, grows into what we least of all want: Adulthood of the sex we didn't want to be born with. In countries around ours, it is possible to get hormone blockers and other things to help slow down the process. This is a necessary tool for many, because wrong decissions are easily made when racing against the clock. Giving young transgender kids the possibility to step back and think "Ok, we have the time now, there's no rush", I believe it would be easier to make one's mind up, to set things straight.
Much of my own worries and thoughts centered around two things: That I wouldn't ever fit in in the world around me, and that there was nothing I could do untill I was 18, by which I was sure I would look like a cave man of some sort, forever unable to make my body feminine.
I was lucky. Others aren't.

Now, back to Caspian. For one thing, surgery to have your breasts removed at age 15... ok, let's say it's fair enough that the state doesn't pay for it. The case is, Caspian took it to a private surgeon, and payed for it himself. That some twisted party (DF, the Danish People's ( or Nationalist) Party) by all means seek to make that illegal is far beyond me. How can that be any of their concern? And why am I not surprised that they possess these medival opinions, when on national TV they seem unaware that this isn't some sort of game, and that this is something people struggle with, even though they aren't of age. When asked "These people have suffered since kindergarten, most of their lives. Why don't you think they are able to decide what is best for themselves?", the lady from DF answers "they are kids, not responsibly enough to decide such things". She seems unaware that no-one chooses to be like this. The only choice is whether or not one chooses to hide or show their true selves to the world around them. For many, myself included, there wasn't even a choice there. I couldn't live with myself the way I was forced to live my life. It makes me sad, angry even, that someone in Folketinget, elected to some sort of office, doesn't embody the ability to see beyond their own narrowmindedness.

A good thing about this is that Sexological Clinic will maybe have to revise its practices, as it has come out that they only treat patients after books and articles dating from the mid-80's to the late 90's. Reassuring, right? Hopefully it is possible to do something about the way the have (mis)treated many patients looking for help. I am thinking about wrtiting to someone, be it our new Minister of Health or the LGBT-movement, I don't care. I want to voice my opinion.

NOW! The second thing is a bit more free and nice! : D


It's simply awesome! :'D
I watched Kick-Ass the other day (for the first time), and when I saw this in the news this morning, I was like "Wha-!? That's a strange coincidence..". I mean, really? That's so awesome! xD

I wonder, how wuld my costume look like? It would be awesome, no doubt.. but how would it look? I might know by the time I do another entry, haha.

Jackie~ <3

super heroes real life transgender sexol

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