Woah look I'm posting here

Jan 19, 2012 22:13

So I beat FF6 (again) tonight. This time, I wanted to see what the ending would be like with an incomplete party. I've missed people before in the game, and I did a playthrough where I only had Celes, Setzer, Sabin, and Edgar, but this time specifically I picked people whose endings involved other characters. I.E. Edgar without Sabin. Relm without Strago, Celes without Locke. So I took some screenshots to chart my adventure into the end.

As an aside...

Man, what was I thinking when I made this team? Geez.


Like before Edgar runs up to the door,

suddenly debris! He is smushed. Game over.

Not really. Edgar jumps out of the way at the last second. But the beam is now blocking their path.

The team struggles to move it. I shed a tear for Sabin. :(

With that moved, They go to leave, but Edgar stops Setzer from going-

"You guys are ridiculous."


Relm is running on the conveyor belt but is having trouble and ends up falling behind.

I'm not sure if that was the exact phrasing you were looking for...

Anyway, Celes runs off without helping Relm. Next comes Edgar.

And like a true gentleman, Edgar runs off without helping her.

Setzer doesn't seem to want to help either. Maybe her earlier wording was right. They're trying to kill the kid!



Then she barrels through them, leaving them for dead.


I did this one awhile back when I did the 4-person playthrough so the pictures are a little different format:

PS I saved Cid on this playthrough and so Celes never got the bandana. PHANTOM BANDANA.

(side fact:  A rarely-noticed fact about Setzer is that he joins the party with a Bandana equipped on him, although he cannot actually equip bandanas (if removed he cannot re-equip it). This is not a bug but was actually meant to be an inside joke showing that Setzer's vanity does not allow him to wear the same things as Locke. In the GBA version, Setzer does not come with a Bandana, as the porting team possibly thought it was a glitch )


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