Colbie Caillet's Try. The opening verses speak so perfectly to my entire life I can barely breathe.
Put your make up on/Get your nails done/Curl your hair
Run the extra mile/Keep it slim/So they like you. Do they like you?
Get your sexy on/Don't be shy, girl/Take it off
This is what you want, to belong/So they like you. Do you like you?
And I do like me when I run the extra mile, keep it slim; I love getting my shop on and I'm not shy or afraid to get my sexy on, and I'm happy finding people with whom I jive and belong, but it is EXHAUSTING.
I like me just fine but its really hard for me to like me without validation that others like me too. And when I'm not sure I like me all that much then I hide away from testing out /whether/ anybody would like me.
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It's nice to have this song to remind myself that its okay to find it all so hard.
There's something to be said for songs like Meghan Trainer's girl-power(at the direction of boys though...) and Miranda Lambert's own-your-weirdness-faults, and Nicki/Ariana/Charli selflove and sexiness for you and hey if a guy likes it cool if he doesnt fuck him....but all of them are just not me. I don't want to be curvy. I don't own cute lingerie or want to. And I definitely don't want to own my quirks and faults or "secrets" because I don't like them! I'd rather work towards changing them bc I don't like me with them - I, personally, regardless of societal pressures, would have a mental breakdown if I just "let myself go" (that kind of "freedom" is petrifying to a control freak like me) - but at the same time hearing its okay to just. be. as well is nice.