A little update.

Mar 21, 2008 17:59

Congratulations to Maggie on graduating!  I hope you have a blast, and I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you!  Today I sent stuff to my undergrads to finally actually start coding so maybe I'll be able to join you in the officially graduated in the next, oh, year or so... at least for the masters... we'll not think too hard about how long my PhD will ultimately take me.  But I promise to have fun getting there ;)

Instead of San Diego, I'm going skydiving tomorrow!  I'm a bit trepidatious, but excited at the same time.  I'll let you all know if I survive.  If we decide on video (it's kinda $$), I'll be sure to post it so you can all see my flappy cheeks.

Also, as of today, I am legally carless.  I haven't been driving my car for months now, and it's nice to finally have it officially junked.  I'm sad I didn't get the $1000 that I might have been eligible for if my car had actually started on it's own, but I got enough to pay for the skydiving trip with some left over, so it's all good... also, I'm saving plenty just by not having the car, so yeah.

Next week is spring break, and I'm planning some major spring cleaning.  Books, clothes, etc, are all going to be weeded through and gotten rid of in a very major way.  I'm going to try to sell as much as possible, but if it doesn't happen fast I'll just donate/give away stuff...  Stay tuned for lists of things up for grabs.
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