Apr 03, 2005 23:04
As predicted, this quarter is going to be difficult. But hopefully I can handle it. It's decent so far and most of my classes seem pretty cool - not too many boring professors this time around. SCORE!
Dance dance dance...need I say more? I can't wait to start teaching tap in a few weeks.
And for all you Retters' people, I totally plan on using the "If you aren't quiet while Miss Hilary is talking, she will take your tap shoes away" tactic.
I'm hosting a prospective student today and tomorrow to show her what SCU life is really like - but she's at The Roots concert right now. I opted not to buy tickets cuz I'm not that into them, but because SCU does such a good job of wooing prospectives, the school bought all 103 of these kids tickets. Insane, I know.
But she is AWESOME. Her name is Molly and she goes to Louisville. I always get the best students. I want her to come here just so I can hang out with her.
It's so strange how this year went so crazy fast. All of my senior dance mentors are graduating, I only have 9 weeks to feel confident enough in my Spanish to go to Madrid (YES, I GOT ACCEPTED AND I'M SO EXCITED!), and send my resumes and such to a bunch of LA companies that my publicist neighbor recommended for summer internships. There's just no time for ANYTHING. argh.
Mike and I are doing well - he bought me these gorgeous earrings in Wash DC, which is the first piece of jewelry he's ever bought me. Granted it's kinda like the most amateur jewerly you can buy, but it was a big deal for us. We're not really into the whole materialistic thing. I don't wanna be like some girls I know who get Tiffany's bracelets 2 weeks into their relationships. I'd rather have all of that come later when it actually means something.
I know like 4 people with birthdays tomorrow, including my best friend up here at school. Good thing I'm on top of my game.
I cried when I saw that the Pope died. Yeah, agnostic Hilary cried at a religious tragedy. But I can't really explain it...part of the reason I went to a Catholic school was to do some spiritual searching since I wasn't brought up with any affiliation. And someone actually had the nerve to tell me "But Hilary...you're not religous" when I mentioned that I wanted to go to the Mass that our mission is holding tomorrow afternoon. Fuck that. I may not have worshipped him as a religious leader, but he did a lot of great and worldly things in his life, and brought so many kinds of people together. That's someone worth mourning, I think.
I love that I basically have a single because my roommate still loves at home. I just wish she'd move her shit out since she's never here.
I saw Guess Who last night. It was hilarious. "Oh my god, are we gettin' audited?"
I think that's all for now. Peace out lovers.