The End, for now

Jan 08, 2012 02:38

Well, the pay-to-play era has begun in the world of Eorzea. While I may be a borderline fanboy (and lets be real, anybody who played after the first month is) with cautious optimism for 2.0, I'm not an idiot. There's no way that was going to fly, so I did not subscribe. I do however have pre-bought gametime that I purchased with the games release(d'oh!), and I do plan to use it at some point to checkout one of the major patches in the future prior to 2.0. But for now, this is the end.

If you've been keeping up, you know I don't really play anyway other than to check out progress after each patch. But since it was the last day before subscription time, I decided to tie up some loose ends. Naturally this began and ended with the Grand Company missions, and I made sure to finish them out and make sure I was at max rank.

If there was one thing the game has done right from release it was the writing in quests/cutscenes, which continued to be enjoyable. The last mission ended up with more detailed foreshadowing regarding the 'apocalypse' event on the horizon, which if you don't know is presumably going to be the lore excuse to destroy the world and relaunch the game come 2.0.

Conversation viewed with "The Echo", spliced together parts so you get the jist.

There was also the addition of a new real-time event going on in the game, but unfortunately I did not find out about it until after subscription time had already started. They've had several of these events introduced with each patch prior, and this one seems to be the most complex. Most of the prior events just pointed you to a location where the empire was invading, but this one had a little more to it. If you're interested, you can read about it here in a blog I was shown on the lodestone.

There's something about those real-time events that just tickle my nerd places, I love them. I can't really pinpoint why either. Living-world aspect? Sure, great. Exploration, discoveries? Always nice. Touch of elitism/accomplishment having caught it and done it yourself? Probably a factor. Whatever it is, they're great. And it just continues to hype me for Guild Wars 2 since I know that the entire game is going to be that way... omnomnomnom.

Random cool looking screenshot, don't think I ever posted the Coeurl before as its a low level NM.

That about does it. Probably the last XIV entry for a while, as I don't expect to use my precious pre-bought crysta to check anything out about before 1.21(jobs) are introduced. Even then I may wait for 2.0 if there isn't any real content released, but Garuda should be around the same time. We'll see what happens. Until then the short stuff will be on twitter, but I'm sure I'll find something entry worthy every now and again.
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