I now interrupt your FFXIV posts with a brief suicide

Aug 01, 2011 05:04

Diablo 3 NDA drop has me majorly depressed. I didn't want to believe the leaks until they were confirmed, they HAD to be fake.. right? Well, they're not.

-DRM requiring a perma-online connection for Single Player, check (did they not pay attention when other perma-DRMs flopped miserably (hi2u, Assassins Creed PC) and became a massive nightmare for consumers?).
-RMT Auction House to buy items and characters with real money, check.
-Removal of talent trees for the auto-acquire skill system and 'active' ability slots, check.

Now not be a downer about XIV when this has nothing to do with it, but the moment I fucking lost it was when I was trying to describe how the new talent tree-less skill system would work to a friend and I actually uttered the words "kinda like XIV". God. Damn. it.

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