Speed Pr0nz Challenge

Jul 06, 2009 15:06

Written for the Speed Pr0nz challenge. oh so pg. h/d. smarmy.
It's 3pm, I swear...

Being a Git

“Draco, you're being a git,” Harry said lazily.
“Yes, well, you're a- an-” Draco spluttered in indignation. Harry just smirked at his inability to say anything coherent as he watched from the floor. “I- You're- I'm not a git!”
“Just sit down and shut up, darling, before you hurt yourself,” Harry returned, still smirking.
Draco plopped down onto the rug, only it wasn't a plop, because he was a Malfoy, and Malfoy's did not plop. They gracefully folded their limps and sank in all elegance to a resting place on the carpet. So that is what he did. Elegantly. “Patronizing bastard,” he mumbled, folding up catlike with his back against the sofa.
After a moment, Harry reached out his free hand and laid it on the back of his neck.
“You're treading thin ice, Potter!” Draco hissed, jerking away. Harry let his fingers fall to his leg instead. Draco sniffed disdainfully, and shifted, not quite far enough to dislodge the wandering hand.
“You're boyfriend's acting a right tit, isn't he?” Ron said, examining his cards in the fire light.
“Shut up, Ron,” Hermione countered tartly.
“Yes, do.” Draco stuck out his tongue. Ron stuck is out in return, and they glared at each other.
“Diamonds, Ace,” Harry said, laying his card down. The game continued, circling between them. When Ron was forced to pick up half the pile, Draco crowed in delight, and Ron snarled. Hermione just rolled her eyes. By the next round, as Draco laid down his cards with a smirk, Ron had had enough.
“You smarmy bastard,” he burst out, climbing to his feet threateningly.
“Alright. That's it. That is quite enough from the two of you.” Hermione stood, folding her cards and looking sternly at Ron: “Let's go, Ronald.”
Ron looked at his cards and sighed; Draco just smirked: “Goodnight, Ronnikins.”
Ron growled and Hermione pulled him away with a muttered “honestly” and a short “night, Harry!” over her shoulder.
Harry looked at Draco, eyebrow raised, but Draco just sniffed again, with all the dignity he could muster after having recently had his tongue in the air like a five year old. Harry looked down, hiding his smile as best he could behind the cards he still held. Draco sighed, long-sufferingly, and flopped, gracefully, onto his back, limps splayed. They sat in silence for a moment, and when Harry looked down from the fire, his lap was inexplicably full of a blond head. Draco lounged for a moment before locking his eyes with those above him and making a face.
“I'm not a git,” Draco proceeded to wail. Harry averted his gaze. “I'm not!”
There was silence.
“Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry. I'm not! Harry, I'm not, am I?” he whined, batting at the other boy's legs and thrashing his head about. “Haaarryyy!”
Harry looked down. The blond hair was everywhere, and Draco was pouting pitifully. Harry smiled.
“You are.” Draco began to protest, but Harry pressed on. “You are a git. But, you're my git.” With that, he leaned down and kissed the blond upside down, lightly and teasingly.
When he lifted his head, Draco grinned. “Yes, and you're my idiot scar-head” and pulled him back down. Draco twisted,drawing his knees in and under him to sit up, head leaving Harry's lap to get a better angle and pushing forward. “such a hopeless romantic, he murmured between kisses and pushed Harry to the ground.


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