Girls of Sekai - you've read this already, probably.
Title: The Age of Understatement
Chapter: Prologue
lightstylings and
jojibearFandom: JE, NEWS
Pairing: NishiKato
Rating: G
Word Count: 347
Note: This is a collaboration story between me and Leyla (
lightstylings) which was born from the
ffic_laboratory. I'm actually really excited that the prologue's now being posted so hooray! I didn't actually write the prologue - Leyla did, I just beta-ed it but she said to post where I post my fics so here we are 8D From me - dedications to Rosie (on Sekai) and Sorachu (
koiichi_cx) who have continually supported me for all my writing works, regardless of fandom - although I know Sorachu would like a Sora/Ryo story soon so I shall indulge her shortly~ <3
He’s heard the cool kids say that school is for losers.
Everyone knows that they only say that because they’re doing badly at school and it’s a part of their tough and offhand image to cover the fact. Even though it’s the equivalent of mutton dressed as mutton, Shige finds that he thinks exactly the same.
The best days are when he calls in sick and just lounges about at home in loose clothes that breeze when he skips and jumps and air guitars spastically to loud booming music through rooms and hallways. Shige doesn’t have to worry about the volume - his parents are out of town for the next few months on business and the old lady next door never has her hearing aid turned on.
Shige’s smart, he really is - he’s in the top class and does well in all of his subjects. The only problem he’s got is that he just doesn’t have the motivation to get up early every morning and go to school and do homework unless he absolutely has to.
If Shige was out and about, then it’d probably be constituted as truancy but he knows never to make such an obvious mistake that’d get him caught, so he just stays at home and for him, that’s entertainment enough.
Being the kind of person he is, Shige is utterly doted on - the teachers love him and the other students in his class get worried when he’s been off two days consecutively (to which they all offer him help to “get back on track” but Shige doesn’t need it so he politely declines and goes to school for the rest of that week). A fortnight later, he’s missed another couple of days because he’s too lazy to do an essay so he calls in sick and the teachers accept his excuses because they know that “Kato-kun would never lie”.
For the first couple of months, Shige has been unsuspected - there’s not even a hint of people thinking that its more than low white blood cell counts - but that changes come spring break.