should never have shut his fat ass down.

Feb 19, 2012 21:26

Welp, it's official. My computer's gone and fried himself. Going to take him to the vet Genius Bar at the Apple store to see if anything can be done for him. From reading on teh wubs (via stealing John's computer) it's possible there's just a couple screwed up cables and/or melted thermal paste and/or a faulty logic board. The whole shenan is pretty awful though, soooo.... bleh. And of course, me being an idiot, I haven't backed anything up in like foreverrr. So everything (or at least all the important, recent shit) is probably all gone. :\ Sad day of sadness.

I also hear that the DiskWarrior thing miiight be able to rescue it? Gonna talk to the Mac people and get an opinion from them - either way, I am SO not wiping the drive until I am absolutely certain there's no other option. >_<

Work is a little bit of le suck right now because the weather keeps jumping back and forth between SUPER RAINY, really cold, and OHAI SUMMER WELCOME BACK. Subsequently, I have gotten some sort of horrible throat death. Or... throat mini-death I suppose. It's not a full-out death yet, and I haven't lost my voice, but I'm coughing a lot and it's all very dry and scratchy. :<

On the other hand, work is sorta cool too because I learned that in order to keep fulltime status, I only have to average out to 30 hours working per week over like a six-week period. So I'm totally fine for ditching all my shifts week after next and coming up to Athens. Which, if you couldn't tell, I'm totally doing. Gonna get to see my Uncle Charlie who is usually in the frozen Canadian northlands (no really I'm not just being an idiot who thinks igloos exist just across the border - he lives way up at the top of Ontario and their "summers" are SIXTY DEGREES. D8 simply awful) which will be awesome because, hey, I never get to see him. The cons of the trip involve me driving all that way by myself again (with no Les Mis to save me because all my CDs got stole) and the fact that I absolutely HAVE to have my sisters' birthday presents with me. >_< I still have no idea what to get them, le sigh.

Gonna end the post and try to have some milk and brownies. Hopefully that will fix some of the scratchies? Meh. Ta for now, then~
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