Nothing doing. Not at school, cos I didnt sleep very well last night. Lay awake til about 4am. Lucky me. I got really bored of my ceiling.
But anyways. Yesterday I put up a new layout for
Simple Dreams, which I'm kinda happy with.
It looks like its missing something, but I'm not sure what. Oro suggested that I do a brushy texture thing at the sides, so I might try that.
But if I'm just not happy with it I'll put up a new layout soon. :)
I've also started a monthly calendar thing. Just cause I thought it would be fun.
I've made a few more avvies, to. they are....
The pic in the first one was from
Foto Decedant, and I'm not sure where the other two came from. The only brushed I used were my own, which is a first! :)