Quick poll - The View: Good times or awkward?
(Very nice ladies, but tbh
am undecided.)
Things I won't be doing in the next few days:
- Flying around and forgetting what time it is
Chilling out with awesome old ladies (that's Orson Welles' daughter, guys, how amazing?)
Standing next to beautiful Claire Danes-
Wearing a tie to look Serious-
Hearing my name yelled/shrieked a lot- Talking about Me and Orson Welles. (But you should check it out if it comes out in a theater near you, Christian McKay who plays Orson will blow your mind, for serious.)
AKA promo is done for now and I'm home at my parents' for Thanksgiving in my sneakers and a t-shirt eating animal crackers. Life is good. :)
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Except everyone who doesn't celebrate it. But have a good Thursday anyway!