round 25 - voting - category

Jun 21, 2012 04:40

vote for three (3) complete sets, and then six (6) individual icons. 
-Don't vote for yourself or ask others to vote for you. 
-Please take the time to look at ALL the icons. 
-Vote fairly and without bias. The quality of the icon is what you're voting for, not which celeb or maker it is. 
-Anyone can vote. 
-VOTING CLOSES June 24th, 2012.

category - emotions

SET #112345

SET #2678910

SET #31112131415

SET #41617181920

SET #52122232425

SET #62627282930

SET #73132333435

SET #83637383940

SET #94142434445

SET #104647484950

SET #115152535455

SET #125657585960

SET #136162636465

SET #146667686970

SET #157172737475

SET #167677787980

SET #178182838485

SET #188687888990

SET #199192939495

SET #2096979899100

SET #21101102103104105

SET #22106107108109110

SET #23111112113114115

SET #24116117118119120

SET #25121122123124125

SET #26126127128129130

SET #27131132133134135

SET #28136137138139140

SET #29141142143144145

SET #30146147148149150

SET #31151152153154155

SET #32156157158159160

SET #33161162163164165


any problems or questions?
comment here!

voting, round 25

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